Paristot | › kodintekniikka › paristotParistot Paristot Sormiparistot Nappiparistot Erikoisparistot Ladattavat paristot Paristolaturit 97 tuotetta 3 kpl / 10,00 € Varta Paristo Varta Longlife Power AA, 8 kpl 649 Lisää ostoskoriin 3 kpl / 10,00 € Varta Paristo Varta Longlife Power AAA, 8 kpl 649 Lisää ostoskoriin Varta Paristolauri Varta Plug Charger 4 x AA 2100 mAh 1999
I'SOT - Wikipedia › wiki › I&I'SOT, which stands for I n S earch o f T ruth, is a Pentecostal / Bible -based offshoot Christian religious group founded in the late 1960s by E. Marie White (also known as E. Marie Tolbert) in Santa Cruz, California. The group was named after a religious tract published by Mrs. White in Gilroy, California. [citation needed]