NHL 21 is Not Coming to PC
twonut.is-gone.com/nhl-21-pcMore disappointing news is coming NHL 21 hockey fans' way with the reveal that the PC version rumors are false, which isn't being received well. Many hockey fans look forward to the yearly NHL games, which are the most popular hockey video games, so the issues with NHL 21 have been a big disappointment to many.
Why Isn't NHL On PC? — EA Forums
https://forums.ea.com/en/nhl/discussion/12959018.8.2017 · You're assuming there would be zero sales growth from *again* the largest video game platform in the history of video games. - It's been nine years since the game was on PC, which means the market is primed for a release (some of the audience literally wasn't even born yet). - There is absolutely no competition for the NHL series on the platform.