App for Siri for iPhone 4+ - App Store › us › appSiri is an advanced innovation for your iPhones which brings users overwhelming convenience. Tell Siri what you want, Siri helps you. More than 1000 commands are available for users to utilize easily, quickly while still have a lot of fun. Creating your own sentences by talking to Siri. Siri also…
Siri - Apple - Apple Get everyday tasks done with just your voice. And the strongest privacy of any intelligent assistant. On the go. Do it all even when your hands are full. Stay in touch, set …
Siri (Apple) – Wikipedia on Applen henkilökohtainen puhetunnistukseen perustuva avustaja. Se osaa esimerkiksi kirjoittaa viestejä ja kalenterimerkintöjä ääniohjatusti, hakea tietoa Internetistä, avata sovelluksia ja muuttaa laitteen asetuksia. Applen Kartat on integroitu Siriin, joten navigointisovelluksen ääniohjaus perustuu Sirin puhemoottoriin.
Use Siri on iPhone - Apple Support › guide › iphoneUse Siri on iPhone Get everyday tasks done with just your voice. Use Siri to translate a phrase, set an alarm, find a location, report on the weather, and more. See Find out what Siri can do on iPhone. On supported devices, voice input is processed on iPhone, but transcripts of your requests are sent to Apple in order to improve Siri.
Siri - Apple (ES) la alarma, apaga las luces y déjate mecer por una música tranquila. Oye Siri, pon sonidos del océano Oye Siri, pon una alarma para las 8 de la mañana Oye Siri, baja la luz El asistente …