Intimate love Poems - Modern Award-winning Intimate love …
I see that in our love, You shared your hope and dreams and help me shared mine, You touched my life in a way nobody could, You paired me with your heart, and gave me the light when I was deeply underground, They can never be another like you, I needed you and I found you embracing my soul, I gazed at you a thousand time to know if you are real ...
Intimate Love Poems - Love Poems and Poets › poems › intimateYou want me, oh how you want me Some days I simply can’t wait to turn you on I leap on to you any time of the day or night And you always respond to my touch You crave every inch of my naked body Then you whisper words to me Oh how you can hurt me and I wish you would lie to me But you are always so brutally honest and I admire you for that Some days I love you Other days I would love to ditch you and I never want to see you again Guess we all have a love hate relationship with our ...
Love Poems | Academy of American Poets › love-poems“Twenty-One Love Poems [Poem II]" by Adrienne Rich I wake up in your bed... "Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses" by Alberto Ríos Mr. Teodoro Luna in his later years... “poem I wrote sitting across the table from you” by Kevin Varone If I had two nickels to rub together... “Ditty” by Kevin Young You, rare as Georgia...