Insuline - Wikipedia insulinegehalte van bloed kan met verschillende typen immunoassays bepaald worden. Het insuline uit een genomen bloedmonster zal binden aan specifieke, in het bloed aanwezige antistoffen, en deze antistoffen bevatten dan vaak een bepaalde marker. De insuline-meting kan verstoord worden door hemolyse, exogeen (als medicatie ingenomen) insuline, pro-insuline, insuline-antilichamen. Bij het vermoeden van een insulinoomis de vastenproef de gouden standa…
Forensische aspecten van insuline | SpringerLink › article › 10Mar 10, 2014 · Insulin or, more appropriately, hypoglycaemia gives rise to a wide variety of interactions with the law. In most cases its role is not seriously open to question occasionally however, it is. This is especially true of situations in which insulin is suspected of having been used inappropriately or maliciously. The major differences between investigation of hypoglycaemia in clinical and forensic ...
Plant-based vaccines and antibodies to combat COVID-19 ... › pmc › articlesDec 03, 2020 · Plant-based vaccines and antibodies. Various plants such as tobacco, turnip, and potato, as well as others, have been used for the production of vaccines. 19 Human interferon-α was the first recombinant plant-derived pharmaceutical proteins produced in turnip. 34 Later, human serum albumin was produced in tobacco and potato for human use. 35 Antibodies (scFv mAb) against hepatitis B virus ...