Given a linked list which is sorted, how will you insert in ... › given-a-linked-list-whichOct 21, 2021 · 1) If Linked list is empty then make the node as head and return it. 2) If the value of the node to be inserted is smaller than the value of the head node, then insert the node at the start and make it head. 3) In a loop, find the appropriate node after which the input node (let 9) is to be inserted. To find the appropriate node start from the head, keep moving until you reach a node GN (10 in the below diagram) who's value is greater than the input node.
Insert element in a sorted Linked List › insert-element-in-a-sortedPseudocode. Let input linked list is sorted in increasing order. STEP 1) If Linked list is empty then make the node as head and return it. STEP 2) If value of the node to be inserted is smaller than value of head node, then insert the node at start and make it head. STEP 3) Find the appropriate node after which the input node is to be inserted.
Java Program for Sorted Insert in a Linked List - Codez Up › java-program-for-sorted-insert-in-aNov 17, 2021 · package com.codezup.singlylinkedlist; import java.util.Scanner; public class SortedInsertLinkedList { public static void main(String[] args) { Node head = null; head = insertAtBeginingLinkedList(head, 40); head = insertAtBeginingLinkedList(head, 35); head = insertAtBeginingLinkedList(head, 30); head = insertAtBeginingLinkedList(head, 20); head = insertAtBeginingLinkedList(head, 10); System.out.println("Linked List elements are:"); printLinkedList(head); System.out.println(" Now we are ...