Wilma login - Wilma - Jyväskylän koulutuskuntayhtymä
gradia.inschool.fiWilma. Wilma is the web interface for the student administration program Primus and for the schedule program Kurre 7. This Wilma license is owned by Jyväskylä Educational Consortium GRADIA. In Wilma a student can register for courses, check grades, read announcements and communicate with teachers.
Jyväskylän koulutuskuntayhtymä Gradia
www.gradia.fi › enGradia provides vocational and upper secondary education, basic education, and basic education in the arts. We operate on nine campuses in Jyväskylä, Jämsä, and Lievestuore. We have 22,000 students and 1000 staff members. Our annual turnover is approximately 100 million euros.