VerkkoWere Indo-European migrations violent takeover of pre-IE cultures, particularly in Europe, India and Iran? 32 23 23 comments Best Add a Comment JuicyLittleGOOF • …
KhlavKalashGuy • 8 days ago. A Southern Arc homeland would not mean PIE must be a CHG language. In the period these studies are dating the Indo-Anatolian split to, the South Caucasus had already been settled by farmers from Upper Mesopotamia, forming the Shulaveri-Shomu culture. This culture only had about a quarter to a third CHG ancestry ...
VerkkoAbout Community. A subreddit for discussion of common Indo-European culture - descended from the [Proto-Indo-Europeans] (, and evident in the …
VerkkoHi, I am in the final stages of producing a documentary on the traces of indo european culture in the british isles. My colleague who was educated at oxford on the subject …
VerkkoWikipedia: All Indo-European languages are descendants of a single prehistoric language, reconstructed as Proto-Indo-European, spoken sometime in the Neolithic era. Indo-european is the name of a group …
you should probably first get really good at Latin, ancient Greek, Sanskrit, and probably also an old Germanic language like Gothic or Old Norse. proto …
When Worlds Collide: Indo-Europeans and Pre-Indo-Europeans by John A.C. Greppin and T.L. Markey (eds.) Big shout out to the chaps from the Indo-European Discord server for these book recommendations! Check out this website for a comprehensive map of the time periods:
About Community. A subreddit for discussion of common Indo-European culture - descended from the [Proto-Indo-Europeans] (, and evident in the various languages, mythologies, and rituals of Eurasia.
VerkkoThe short answer is that around 5000 (give or take a few 1000 depending on who you're talking to) years ago, the speakers of the Indo-European languages were able to …
VerkkoProto-Indo-European forebears were dark featured and light features usually belonged to the people the Proto-Indo-Europeans conquered ? Blond hair comes from ANE, and …
Where does sanskrit originate, it is said to be one of the first languages developed from proto indo european which is a reconstructed version of launguage that has now been lost spoken by the Indo europeans who were the progenitors of the majority of languages currently spoken across europe and the indic regions
The mdoern european phenotype, particularly the rates at which we see blond hair, blue eyes and light skin all combined (as these were independent developments) is something that only started to develop in between 3000-1500 bc to give a rough estimate.
News, articles and discussion relating to Proto-Indo-European (PIE), the ancient language from which modern Indo-European languages descend, and also Proto-Indo-European people, and their culture, origins and history.
VerkkoFortson's <em>Indo-European Language and Culture: An Introduction</em> is one of the best historical linguistics books I've ever read. I can't recommend it highly enough. …
VerkkoSeasickSeal • 2 yr. ago. Paul Revere put up two lanterns to signify the Indo-European migration “by sea” through the Indian, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans before landing in …