Indian Health Service | Indian Health Service (IHS)
ihs.govThe IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people, and provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for American Indians and Alaska Natives. The IHS Mission is to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level.
Dentistry | Indian Health Service (IHS) › dentistryYou became a dental health professional to help others. That’s why the Indian Health Service (IHS) invites you to consider working as an IHS dentist or dental hygienist. As an IHS dental health professional, providing comprehensive, culturally competent, quality patient care to American Indians and Alaska Natives will be your primary focus.
Dental - Indian Health Service | Indian Health Service (IHS) › IHM › pcFor details on contract health care regulations and contract requirements, refer to section III of the Oral Health Program Guide of the Indian Health Service, the CFR, or Part 2 Chapter 1 and 3 (Contract Health Services) of the Indian Health Manual. Procurement of Dental Services . Dental services are provided in IHS/tribal clinics by federally ...
Home - Dental Directory | Indian Health Service › dentaldir › indexDENTALDIR| Indian Health Service (IHS) The Indian Health Service continues to work closely with our tribal partners to coordinate a comprehensive public health response to COVID-19. Read the latest info. About IHS Locations for Patients for Providers Community Health Careers@IHS Newsroom Login Please Login Directory Help Dental Portal
DENTALDIR| Indian Health Service (IHS) › dentaldir › indexThe IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people, and provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for American Indians and Alaska Natives. The IHS Mission is to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level.
Dentistry | Indian Health Service (IHS) Indian Health Service (IHS), an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. The provision of health services to members of federally-recognized Tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian Tribes.