At, on and in (place) - Cambridge Grammar › us › grammarto refer to a position or location which we see as a point: I was sitting at my desk. to talk about locations at companies, workplaces when we see them as a place of activity: How many people are working at Microsoft? to refer to activities which involve a group of people: Were you at Lisa’s party? (also at the cinema, at the theatre)
In vs At - What's the difference? - English Basics › in-vs-at-differenceJul 26, 2021 · The preposition In is used before the names of big cities, metropolises, states, countries, and continents whereas the preposition At is used before the names of villages, towns, and small cities. For example: My father-in-law lives in New Jersey. (State) There is no human settlement in Antarctica. (Continent) She works at Volente, Texas. (Village)
At, or or in - Home of English Grammar › at-or-or-inSep 4, 2014 · At, or or in September 4, 2014 - The prepositions at, on and in can show place. At is used to talk about position at a point. The boy stood at the gate. Turn left at the next corner. On is used to talk about position on a line. London is on the river Thames. In is used to talk about position inside large areas and three dimensional spaces.