Increase the memory heap of the IDE | IntelliJ IDEA › help › ideaAug 11, 2022 · Enable the memory indicator IntelliJ IDEA can show you the amount of used memory in the status bar. Use it to judge how much memory to allocate. Right-click the status bar and select Memory Indicator. Toolbox App If you are using the Toolbox App, you can change the maximum allocated heap size for a specific IDE instance without starting it.
CPU and memory live charts | IntelliJ IDEA › help › ideaSep 05, 2022 · Open CPU and memory live charts. From the main menu, select View | Tool Windows | Profiler. Right-click the necessary process in the Profiler tool window and select CPU and Memory Live Charts. A new tab opens in which you can see the amount of resources the selected process consumes. CPU – the CPU load for the given process.
IntelliJ IDEA settings display memory indicator and set ... › a2. set IDEA memory size Idea’s default minimum memory is 128m and maximum memory is 750m. When a single project is relatively large, the idea will be somewhat stuck. If your hardware allows, you can increase the idea memory. My computer has 16G memory, and the maximum memory of idea is set to 2048m, and the minimum memory is 1024m.
Increase the memory heap of the IDE | IntelliJ IDEA
Click Configure to increase the amount of memory allocated by the JVM. If you are not sure what would be a good value, use the one suggested by IntelliJ IDEA. Click Save and Restart and wait for IntelliJ IDEA to restart with the new memory heap setting. Enable the memory indicator. IntelliJ IDEA can show you the amount of used memory in the ...