HushOffice Booths – Thinkspace › hushoffice-boothsHushoffice has the largest range of fully mobile office pods. The hushPhone has built-in casters. Larger booths sit on a unique frame that allows 4in of space, making them easy to move with a pallet jack. Rearrangement takes minutes, requires no disassembly, and allows no interruption.
About us | HUS, formally the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, is made up of five hospital areas: Helsinki University Hospital, Hyvinkää, Lohja, Porvoo, and Västra Nyland. HUS is the largest …
Hushoffice | Haworth › na › enHaworth began partnering with Hushoffice in fall of 2022 to offer a selection of acoustic pods that complement our Haworth Collection offering of respected brands. Quality engineering and refined acoustical properties benchmark Hushoffice against best-in-class pods. With clean lines, Hushoffice complements the design of existing or new spaces.
Etusivu | HUS
https://www.hus.fiHUS on Suomen suurin erikoissairaanhoidon toimija. 27 000 huippuammattilaistamme hoitavat vuosittain lähes 700 000 potilasta. Tervetuloa hyvään hoitoon HUSiin!
Front page | HUS Search for treatments and examinations We at HUS are working together every day for the future of specialist medical care. Leading Healthcare Read more about our promise and values …
Michael Hsu Office of Architecture
hsuoffice.comArchitectural Record : Innovative Housing Portfolio Habitat for Humanity mainly builds single-family homes, “but single-family shouldn’t be the model for housing everywhere,” says Michael Hsu, founder of Michael Hsu Office of Architecture in Au...