HSL app | Tickets and fares | HSL.fi
www.hsl.fi › en › tickets-and-faresCheck your app store for the latest version of the HSL app and if need be, update your app. We recommend that you use the HSL app with a smartphone with Android 8.0 or iOS 11.0 (or newer). The ticket is not visible. If the ticket you have purchased is not displayed in the view Your ticket, try closing and then opening the app.
HSL App Storessa
apps.apple.com › fi › appHSL-sovelluksesta löydät mm. kerta-, vuorokausi- ja kausiliput niin aikuisille kuin lapsillekin. Bussi, juna, metro, raitiovaunu ja lautta – kaikki samalla sovelluksella. Maksaminen onnistuu helposti esimerkiksi maksukortilla tai mobiilimaksulla.
Halo Cupcake
www.halocupcake.comHalo Cupcake. Sun-Wed Closed / Thur-Fri 1pm-5pm / Sat 10am-2pm. 7969 Forest Hills Rd Loves Park, IL 61111. 815-282-1225. halocupcake@outlook.com. ORDER ONLINE. We now offer online ordering, we will have a new weekly menu that starts every Monday and goes through Saturday. We will be open for curbside pick-up and walk-in Thursday through ...