HSL Kortti
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Oma matkakortti - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsAug 4, 2019 · Check the validity of your contactless HSL Travel Card or single ticket with this application. The application shows valid period products, remaining value, latest value ticket and last journeys form your Travel Card by touching the card with your NFC mobile phone. You may also name your travel cards to easily distinguish your family's travel ...
HSL card | Tickets and fares | HSL.fi
www.hsl.fi › en › tickets-and-faresYou can buy value tickets for one or more people travelling with you using your HSL card. If you have an adult HSL card, you can buy tickets for other adults. With a child HSL card, you can buy tickets for children. You can also buy several consecutive tickets; for example, you can first buy a ticket for yourself and then for a friend.
Hsl Kadonnut Matkakortti
gmimarket.biz › 2021/09/2 › kadonnutSep 2, 2021 · Hsl.fi matkakortti kadonnut Matkakortin voit ladata esimerkiksi kaikissa HSL-alueen R-kioskeissa, matkakortin palvelupisteissä, lippuautomaateissa, VR:n lipunmyyntipaikoissa ja monissa K- ja S-ketjun marketeissa. Voit itse valita, montako päivää haluat ladata. Kauden hintaan lasketaan ensin 14 päivän perushinta.