Instead. Instead is an adverb and means ‘as an alternative’. We can use instead at the beginning or the end of a clause, although in spoken English it is more common at the end. …
18.8.2014 · In this sentence, the adverb "instead" is being used as a conjunction, which is incorrect (though not too uncommon). The "instead" is correctly placed at the start of the …
16.5.2012 · anonymous. First of all, the word 'but' is a conjunction which helps join two sentences together, so use it instead of the full stop between your first two sentences. That is a good …
"Instead" is used in sentences where you are substituting or replacing one thing/action for another. 1. Substitution or alternative, used on its own, from "in ...
How to use instead in a sentence. Example sentences with the word instead. The most voted sentence example for instead is I will try to make friends ins...
20.5.2022 · Everyday English with Liza: you want to practice listening and readi...
Instead is an adverb. You use it when saying what someone does rather than doing something else. Hema did not answer. Instead she looked out of the taxi window.