Home - Teach Handwriting
www.teachhandwriting.co.ukThe Teach Handwriting Scheme has been developed to provide a whole school (pupils aged 4 to 11 years old), differentiated, holistic approach to teaching handwriting. Training courses Whole or half day courses, at your school or via the internet, to support you in either implementing our Handwriting Scheme or using our website resources to develop your own.
12 tips to teach excellent handwriting (+ 10 handwriting ...
kidskonnect.com › articles › 12-tips-to-teachTop tips for teaching handwriting to kids. If your student is having issues with grip, teach them the “pinch and flick” method. Place the pencil on the desk with the writing end facing them. The student pinches the pencil between the thumb and index finger, then flips it around into the correct position. Start by focusing on accuracy. Once they’ve mastered the letters themselves, you can move onto pacing, legibility, and size.