How to reach the C2 level in English? - Ieltstuts › how-to-reach-the-c2-level-in-englishTo reach the beginning of level C2, we recommend that you discover the Click & Speak method ! Those who complete this program in one year spend about 3 hours a day on it to reach, at the end of the course, level C1 and even the beginning of level C2. According to statistics, with some 300 to 500 hours of additional practice, you can reach level C2 in English, which is about 1200 hours of study in total.
C2 English level (proficiency) | LearnEnglish › english-levelsUnderstanding English levels. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is a way of describing language ability and is often used to help language learners choose learning materials and courses at the right level. The CEFR has six levels, from A1 to C2. For each level, the CEFR describes what a learner can do when speaking, reading, listening and writing in English.