Requesting 1172 in MilConnect › Portals › 144Requesting 1172 in MilConnect Go to Then click on “Sign In” button located on the top right hand side of the page Click on the appropriate “Login” Then Click “OK” button If you pick CAC, Click “Login” and select the appropriate certificate and click “OK”
How to pull 1172? : r/AirForce - Reddit › comments › r9yb7wGo to MILCONNECT and print it from there. Apparently, there is a version of a 1172 that cannot be used for new IDs. Not knowing this and just printed a document that has the numbers “1172” at the bottom sounded like it would do the trick. On the way to the MPF, wife read the form and it literally says don’t use it for ID cards. Didn’t care.
Eligibility | TRICARE › FormsClaims › FormsAug 16, 2022 · Eligibility Application for Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment (DD Form 1172-2) This form is used to register in the DEERS database and apply for a uniformed service identification card or Common Access Card. Sponsors will usually complete this form for themselves and their dependents, but family members may submit the form with a valid Power of Attorney.