Can You Fool or Beat the DISC Assessment? › blog › can-you-fool-orWith that caveat being said, here are the two key reasons we would give for avoiding the temptation to try to “beat” the DISC assessment: If they are using the DISC assessment as a hiring criteria (as opposed to one factor among many), they are using the assessment improperly. Your DISC style might indicate what work environments are more or less comfortable for you, some perspective on what might motivate you, and some insight into how you might fit into a team.
DISC Personality Assessment - Take the DISC Test for Free › test › disc-assessmentDISC is a very popular behavior assessment tool with quite accurate results. This DISC test based on the theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston published in 1928. It suggests four main personality types: Dominance (D),Influence (I),Steadiness (S),and Conscientiousness (C). The DISC test is, together with the Big Five personality test and Jung test, one of the most popular in academic psychology personality tests worldwide.
How to Pass the DISC Personality Test 2022 - Psychometric Success › disc-personality-testJul 27, 2022 · What Is the DISC Test Format? The DISC assessment is a multiple-choice test. Different descriptions of behavior feature in each question and you need to decide whether you strongly agree, agree, are neutral, disagree or strongly disagree. This is a personal questionnaire, so there are no right or wrong answers. The idea is that you know yourself better than anyone; answering honestly will provide you with more relevant and actionable information.