using F1,F2,F3, etc on macbook - Apple Community · using F1,F2,F3, etc on macbook. some programs I use have key commands of F1, F2, F3 etc. how do I access these buttons. I"ve tried pressing control, apple, option, and shift plus the F buttons up top and still it reponds to the other funtion of the key. Like I think F8 is volume. when I press the F8 key I want it to control F8, not the volume.
using F1,F2,F3, etc on macbook - Apple Community › thread › 1670398Aug 18, 2008 · using F1,F2,F3, etc on macbook. some programs I use have key commands of F1, F2, F3 etc. how do I access these buttons. I"ve tried pressing control, apple, option, and shift plus the F buttons up top and still it reponds to the other funtion of the key. Like I think F8 is volume. when I press the F8 key I want it to control F8, not the volume.