How do you alphabetize APA reference list ... › how-do-you-alphabetizeDec 18, 2021 · How do you alphabetize APA reference list? In APA Style, alphabetization is easy as long as you remember these simple rules: Alphabetize letter by letter. Ignore spaces, capitalization, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and accent marks. When alphabetizing titles or group names as authors, go by the first significant word (disregard a, an, the, etc.)
How to alphabetize “a,” “an,” and “the” in APA Style references › blog › alphabetize-nonsignificantFeb 23, 2022 · If you have two references with the same author(s) and date, alphabetize them by the titles of the works. There, too, ignore “a,” “an,” or “the” at the start of either title. In this example, because the name and dates match, the references are alphabetized by the title, and The Irishman appears first because “Irishman” appears alphabetically before “Rolling”: