List four things from this part of the text about Frankenstein's creature. [4 marks] ... How has the writer used structure to interest the reader? You may ...
VerkkoWriters structure their texts deliberately to have an effect on the reader. Exam questions ask you to comment on how writers structure their texts to interest the reader. You...
The author divides the novel into ten parts and uses the technique of a story within a story. Each part has a specific number of chapters and is organized with …
Exploring 'Dracula' as an unseen fiction text. This resource takes an extract from 'Dracula' to support students in approaching 19th century prose. Activities …
The overall style of Frankenstein is elevated and formal. The characters use complex diction (word choice) to capture the intensity of their emotional ...
VerkkoThe structure of a text is the sequence of ideas it contains and how it is put together. No text will make sense unless it is structured clearly. It should have a well-chosen …
VerkkoThis text is from the beginning of a short story. How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? You could write about: • what the writer focuses your …
The most commonly used structure in novels is chronological. , where events are told to the reader in the order in which they have happened. However, the ...
At the beginning of the text, Smith opens with a complex sentence which gives much detail about the setting. This allows the reader to become immediately ...
How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? You could write about: what the writer focuses your attention on at the beginning how …
Jan 24, 2021 · How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? You could write about: • what the writer focuses your attention on at the beginning of the source • how and why the writer changes this focus as the source develops • any other structural features that interest you.
Feb 10, 2021 · The author divides the novel into ten parts and uses the technique of a story within a story. Each part has a specific number of chapters and is organized with special titles and dates. The chapter titles are poetic and reflective of the themes and stories that are developed, and each chapter holds specific scenes and sentiments.
Oct 22, 2020 · how and why the writer changes this focus as the source develops. The Green Mile is a serialized novel in six installments: The Two Dead Girls, The Mouse on the Mile, Coffey's Hands, The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix, Night Journey, and Coffey on the Mile.
How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? At the beginning of the text, Smith opens with a complex sentence which gives much detail about the setting. This allows the reader to become immediately immersed within the scene as the sensory description encapsulates the mystical atmosphere and causes the reader to feel ...
VerkkoAt the beginning of the text, Smith opens with a complex sentence which gives much detail about the setting. This allows the reader to become immediately immersed …
The most prominent character in the novel, Victor Frankenstein, narrates the second frame and discusses his adversities in his decision to make such a Creature— ...
Verkkohow writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subject terminology to support their views. AO4 Evaluate texts critically and …
Verkko1 2 3 Structure of fiction texts Structure can refer to the order of words and ideas within: a sentence a paragraph an extract a whole text Think about the effect the structure …
Can you arrive at a band/grade for these responses? Language Terminology: Noun Adjective Verb Adverb Simile metaphor Personification Onomatopoeia Alliteration ...
Use of structure in Frankenstein The structure of a text refers to the way in which events are organised inside the novel as a whole. The most commonly used structure in novels is...