Collectable vs Collectible: What’s the Difference? › collectable-vsThese are the same word, and most dictionaries accept both spellings—although your spell-checker may disagree! Collectible is considered more correct by many people.The difference is that collectible is considered its own word, beyond being derived from the verb collect, whereas, collectable is merely the verb collect with -able added on—in the way that we can add -able to most English ...
Collectible or Collectable : A Matter of Noun vs. Adjective that the two words are so close in spelling andmeaning, how can you know which one to use? You can follow a couple easy rules of thumb. Americans will most often use collectible. In our culture, we are typically referring to rare items (nouns) when thinking of this word. That means we can generally stick to … See moreLet’s start by pointing out that both collectible and collectable are actual words, and either can be correct in their proper context: i.e., neither is wrong or … See moreNow you know the difference between the words, let’s look at some sentences that place each word in its proper context: See more1. Now that you know the difference between collectible and collectable, choose the correct form of the word in the following sentences. 2. That coin will someday … See moreFine points of grammar and spelling such as the one discussed in this post further refine your precision and eloquence in American English. Browse our many … See more