Report Something | Facebook Help Center › help › 263149623790594How to Report Something Report inappropriate or abusive things on Facebook (example: nudity, hate speech, threats) What to do if someone's bothering you in messages on Facebook How do I report something on Facebook if I don't have an account or can't see it? How to report a Facebook account or Page that's pretending to be me or someone else
Instagram Help Center › contact › 383679321740945Report Violations of Our Community Guidelines. Please use this form to report content (ex: photos, videos) on Instagram that violates our Community Guidelines. When you report something, your information isn't shared with the person whose post or profile you're reporting. Do you have an Instagram account?
Report Something on Facebook | Facebook › help › contactReport Something on Facebook Please select the option that best describes what you'd like to report and then use the link or information provided to find the best way to report it. By choosing the correct option, you'll help us review your report faster and more accurately. Learn what else you can do