Translations in context of "Hierba" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: de hierba, hierba de cannabis, mala hierba, hierba de san juan, hierba luisa.
Translation of "hierba" in English Noun Verb grass herb pot lawn bud turf strain smoke yerba hay poison grassy Show more A ver si encuentro hierba para limpiarme. I shall have to find a patch of grass to wipe it on. Podrían tener sus bombarderos sobre la hierba. They could be flying their bombers in the grass.
hierba sf 1 (=pasto) grass mala hierba weed MODISMOS oír o sentir o ver crecer la hierba to be pretty smart MODISMOS pisar mala hierba to have bad luck MODISMOS y otras hierbas and so …
Translate hierba into English. ... hierbahierba sustantivo 1 (césped) grass 2 (planta) plant• una mala hierba a weed 3 (en cocina, medicina) herb hierbas ...
hierba (also: pasto, yerba, césped, gramínea) grass {noun} La vaca no se ha vuelto loca porque ha comido hierba o porque hubiera fumado hierba. Cows did not go mad because they ate grass, …
Translation of "hierba" in English Noun Verb grass herb pot lawn bud turf strain smoke yerba hay poison grassy Show more A ver si encuentro hierba para limpiarme. I shall have to find a patch …
hierba! translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'hierba artificial',hierba cana',hierba gatera',hierba lombriguera', examples, definition, conjugation
This word may also be spelled "yerba." hierba ( yehr - bah ) feminine noun 1. (botany) a. herb Selena cultiva hierbas en su jardín.Selena grows herbs in her garden. b. grass (lawn) La hierba …
How to say hierba In English - Translation of hierba to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, ...
install grass / instalar hierba la hierba crece a su antojo la hierba en la que charcos adornan el caminar la hierba puede no ser muy alta para cortarla La hierba seca incendiará la hierba …
This word may also be spelled "yerba." hierba ( yehr - bah ) feminine noun 1. (botany) a. herb Selena cultiva hierbas en su jardín.Selena grows herbs in her garden. b. grass (lawn) La hierba …
Check 'hierba' translations into English. Look through examples of hierba translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. ... La hierba al otro lado de la colina está siempre …
hierba ( yehr - bah ) feminine noun 1. (botany) a. herb Selena cultiva hierbas en su jardín.Selena grows herbs in her garden. b. grass (lawn) La hierba ha crecido mucho después de las lluvias.The grass has really grown since it rained. 2. (colloquial) (drug) a. grass (colloquial)
hierba ( yehr - bah ) feminine noun 1. (botany) a. herb Selena cultiva hierbas en su jardín.Selena grows herbs in her garden. b. grass (lawn) La hierba ha crecido mucho después de las lluvias.The grass has really grown since it rained. 2. (colloquial) (drug) a. grass (colloquial)
How to say hierba In English - Translation of hierba to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by …
2 (Med) herb, medicinal plant. cura de hierbas herbal cure. infusión de hierbas herbal tea. 3 (Culin) herb. a las finas hierbas cooked with herbs. 4 * (=droga) grass * , pot *. Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary.