Radsoft XPT — Industrial Strength Software
radsoft.netThe XPT is the ultimate 'all-in-one' toolset for Microsoft Windows. Developed by software developers for software developers and system administrators, Extreme Power Tools are the much talked about 'Swiss Army knife' written up at the Lockergnome, the BBC, the Daily Telegraph, PC World, the Register, the Atlantic Monthly, and countless other IT ...
raisoft kirjaudu sisään - Srch-hakukone
srch.fi › raisoft-kirjaudu-sisäänOy Raisoft Ltd varaa oikeuden Raisoft.net-palvelun huoltotoimenpiteisiin ja ohjelmistopäivityksiin, joiden vaatimista käyttökatkoista ilmoitetaan asiakkaalle etukäteen. ISO 9001 -sertifiointi koskee Oy Raisoft Ltd:n toimipisteitä sekä Kokkolassa että Jyväskylässä. ISO/IEC 27001:2013 -sertifiointi kattaa koko yrityksen toiminnan.
Company | Oy Raisoft Ltd.
www.raisoft.com › en › companyRaisoft. – THE PERSON IN FOCUS ALWAYS Raisoft’s core values include transparency, honesty, and caring. The company was founded in 2000 by four dedicated persons who are still the owners. Our vision of making the most out of the digitalization of assessment instruments to support professionals in healthcare and social services stands firm.
Software | Oy Raisoft Ltd.
www.raisoft.com › en › softwareRAIsoft.net Cloud Service Our software is available online – regardless of your location. The cloud service is a SaaS-based solution (Software as a Service). The service package includes servers, maintenance, support, software upgrades and data backups. Fixed annual fee – no unexpected expenses! Read more