Web Login Service
https://login.helsinki.fiVerkkoWelcome to the University of Helsinki single sign-on login service. This service gives you access to over a hundred University of Helsinki web services and hundreds more in …
Office 365 | HELPDESK - Helsinki
helpdesk.it.helsinki.fi › office-365The University of Helsinki is migrating to the Microsoft Office 365 mail and calendar system. The system also contains other applications supporting co-operation. In the first phase, only e-mail and the calendar are implemented. In practice, this means that e-mails to Firstname.Lastname@helsinki.fi are directed to the Office 365 system.
Web Login Service - Helsinki
login.helsinki.fiWelcome to the University of Helsinki single sign-on login service. This service gives you access to over a hundred University of Helsinki web services and hundreds more in Finland and around the world through the HAKA and eduGAIN federations. Single sign-on is generally available to you when logging in to individual services at the university.
Microsoft Office 365 - University of Helsinki
www.cs.helsinki.fi › o365Syötä tunnus@cs.helsinki.fi edelleenlähetysosoitteeksi. Tapaus B: Olet käyttänyt cs.helsinki.fi-postia, mutta haluat sen vaihtaa Office 365:een. Käytä edelleenlähetystyökalua paikassa mail.cs.helsinki.fi/forward ja valitse Ohjaa kaikki postini yliopiston Microsoft Office 365 -pilvipalveluun.