Helene Deutsch - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helene_Deutsch• Deutsch, H. (1925), Psychoanalyse der weiblichen Sexualfunktionen (Serie: Neue Arbeiten zur ärztlichen Psychoanalyse, Nr. 5.), Leipzig, ISBN 978-0-946439-95-9 . (Psicoanálisis de las funciones sexuales de la mujer)• Deutsch, H. (1944), The psychology of women; a psychoanalytic interpretation, Nueva York . (Edición en español: La psicología de la mujer, Buenos Aires, Losada 1947)
Helene Deutsch - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Helene_DeutschHelene Deutsch (née Rosenbach; 9 October 1884 – 29 March 1982) was a Polish American psychoanalyst and colleague of Sigmund Freud. She founded the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute. In 1935, she immigrated to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she maintained a practice. Deutsch was one of the first psychoanalysts to specialize in women.
Helene Deutsch | Jewish Women's Archive
jwa.org › encyclopedia › articleHelene Deutsch. October 9, 1884–1982. by Paul Roazen. Psychoanalyst Helene Deutsch (1884 – 1982) expanded on theories of her mentor, Sigmund Freud, to develop her own outlook on women’s psychology, writing the first book with a psychoanalytic perspective on the subject. Institution: Gidal-Bildarchiv im Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Bildarchiv ...
Helene Deutsch - Jewish Virtual Library
www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org › helene-deutschHelene Deutsch (née Rosenbach) was born on October 9, 1884, in Przemysl, Poland, where her father, a lawyer, was at one time president of the Jewish community. Because of the restrictions on female education, she ran away to Vienna in order to train as a physician. In 1912 she married Felix Deutsch. Deutsch was the first woman assistant in ...
Deutsch, Helene (1884–1982) | Encyclopedia.com
www.encyclopedia.com › deutsch-helene-1884-1982Deutsch, Helene (1884–1982)Polish-born psychoanalyst and pioneer theoretician in female psychology. Born Helene Rosenbach in the town of Przemy´sl in Polish Galacia on the Ukrainian border of the Austro-Hungarian empire (present-day Poland), on October 9, 1884; died on March 29, 1982, in Cambridge, Massachusetts; daughter of Wilhelm Rosenbach (a lawyer) and Regina (Fass) Rosen-bach; granted ...
Helene Deutsch - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helene_DeutschHelene Deutsch (née Rosenbach; 9 October 1884 – 29 March 1982) was a Polish American psychoanalyst and colleague of Sigmund Freud. She founded the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute. In 1935, she immigrated to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she maintained a practice. Deutsch was one of the first … Näytä lisää