Haukipudas - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › HaukipudasHaukipudas is a town and former municipality of Finland. It is located in the province of Oulu and part of the Northern Ostrobothnia region. Its shore runs along the Gulf of Bothnia, with the river Kiiminkijoki running through the province. Along with Kiiminki, Oulunsalo and Yli-Ii municipalities it was merged with the city of Oulu on 1 January ...
Haukipudas (district) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Haukipudas_(district)Haukipudas is a district of Oulu, Finland. Together with Jokikylä and Martinniemi districts, it forms the Haukipudas area. [2] Haukipudas is located in the river delta of the Kiiminkijoki river. It is bounded by the Bothnian Bay in the west, National road 4 in the east, Martinniemi district in the north and Kello district in the south. [3]
Haukipudas – Wikipedia
fi.wikipedia.org › wiki › HaukipudasHaukipudas on tasaista lakeutta ja tasankoa, joka on kohonnut merestä varsin myöhään.Luonnonoloiltaan Haukipudas jakautuu kahteen osaan. Haukiputaan länsiosa kuuluu Keski- ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan jokimaahan ja Yli-Iin ja Kiimingin väliin pistävä itäpuoli nevalakeuteen.
Haukipudas - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HaukipudasHaukipudas is a town and former municipality of Finland. It is located in the province of Oulu and part of the Northern Ostrobothnia region. Its shore runs along the Gulf of Bothnia, with the river Kiiminkijoki running through the province. Along with Kiiminki, Oulunsalo and Yli-Ii municipalities it was merged with the city of Oulu on 1 January 2013.
Haukipudas – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/HaukipudasHaukipudas on entinen Suomen kunta, joka sijaitsi Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunnassa. Se liittyi vuoden 2013 alussa kolmen muun kunnan kanssa osaksi Oulun kaupunkia. Kunnassa asui lakkauttamishetkellä 19 053 ihmistä. Sen pinta-ala oli 1 023,60 km², josta 571,98 km² oli merialueita ja 10,54 km² … Näytä lisää
Haukipudas - Sanmina
www.sanmina.com › locations › haukipudasThe Sanmina Haukipudas facility offers high-quality, PCBA, systems integration, test system design and development, and New Product Introduction (NPI) for key markets including telecommunications, multimedia, storage, medical, automotive, defense and commercial aviation. Whether you need assembly, test or top-level integration services for ...