19.7.2017 · When they finally broke apart, Harry looked into Ginny's eyes and said "Thanks, I feel a lot better." Ginny smiled but said nothing. Harry then added "I love you Ginny" and kissed Ginny …
Harry was on his knees next to Ginny, clenching his arm, however Ginny did not notice this as her eyes were fixed on the diary which had previously ruined her first year at hogwarts, this was a sight that she winced at, but did not eel any fear towards because of a gaping hole through the middle of it, she then re set her focus on the boy that ...
17.9.2010 · This is a part of my After series. Chapter 1. Harry entered the room and was immediately engulfed by a pair of arms. All he could see was brown hair that smelled of vanilla. …
18.9.2021 · She motioned with her hand. "And I would love it," said Harry, placing his hand on Ginny's small beginning of a tummy, feeling the slight layer of softness that had grown over her …
May 07, 2020 · She motioned with her hand. "And I would love it," said Harry, placing his hand on Ginny's small beginning of a tummy, feeling the slight layer of softness that had grown over her slender, toned body. She inhaled quickly as his hand touched her, but gradually let it back out, giggling nervously again. "Ginny!"
Aug 25, 2014 · One Big Happy Weasley Family has Problems. After the Battle of Hogwarts, things were a bit different then what the casual observer might remember. Nymphadora Remus sat there badly injured with her husband's head in her lap. Charley Weasley lay dead. Fred was badly injured but should survive. Isabel Weasley nee Stone, Charlie's wife, left ...
It wasn't until he started dating Ginny Weasley that Harry decided hugs weren't so bad. Harry felt like Ginny hugs had special powers. Any time he was wrapped into her arms, Harry felt better. …
Harry was descending the stairs first and he turned around suddenly, taking Ginny into a huge hug as she ran right into him. He held this one a bit longer than the first two and Ginny had an opportunity to hug Harry back. Once again he whispered "Number Three," causing Ginny to shiver again as Harry's breath caressed her neck and ear.
Against her better judgment, Ginny flicked a glance to Harry and she found, as always, that looking at him was usually more brilliant than painful. He wasn't doing anything special—just sitting with Rebecca and listening to Ron. She took in his appearance like she always did, felt her heart pound and her body react.
Harry craved her hugs, every intimate embrace, it was nothing like he had ever experienced before, and it was wonderful. Then Dumbledore died, and Harry had to set out to hunt down the …
Ginny's Apology Ginny paced the floor in the bedroom she shared with her husband Harry . If she didn't find anything better to do with her nervous energy she was going to wear a hole in the …
Ginny's Apology Ginny paced the floor in the bedroom she shared with her husband Harry . If she didn't find anything better to do with her nervous energy she was going to wear a hole in the new carpet. One more glance at the clock told her it had only been two minutes. Three more to go.
Harry slowly let go, surprised at himself at how long he had hugged Ginny and that he really enjoyed holding her in his arms. They both blushed lightly and looked at each other shyly. …
Harry was on his knees next to Ginny, clenching his arm, however Ginny did not notice this as her eyes were fixed on the diary which had previously ruined her first year at hogwarts, this was a …
19.7.2017 · Harry yelled over his shoulder as the door closed behind him "You'll find out soon enough." Following their successful meeting, Harry set off for Gringotts Wizard Bank to make a …
Harry followed after her but gave her abit of time, not wanting to catch her completly angry side and end up on the end of one of her bat bogey hexes. Ginny sat up against a tree, tears pouring …