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harmony fanfiction dumbledore bashing

Albus Dumbledore Bashing - Works - Archive of Our Own › tags
Any information you publish in a comment, profile, work, or Content that you post or import onto AO3 including in summaries, notes and tags, will be accessible ...
Harmony Only, Ron Bashing Scheduled - Harry Potter › community
Strictly Harry and Hermione. Minor - well maybe major Ginny, Ron and Dumbledore Bashing. Soul Bond - Time Travel. Harry Potter, T, English, Romance, ...
Harmony, Harry/Hermoine - some Weasley and Dumbledore ... › community
Story is tangent to canon except pairings. Story will encompass Harry's fourth to seventh year. No intentional bashing. T initially,may be M for later chapters.
Bashing Ron in Harmony | FanFiction
FanFiction | unleash ... Also all the stories will contain a massive amount of Ron bashing. So, if you ship Harmony and don't like Ron then this place is just for you. ... Slight Dumbledore …
Favourite Harmony without Ron/Dumbledore bashing?
level 1. · 1 yr. ago. Here are some of my favorites. No bashing in any of them. if you need rest (i'll guard your dreams so you can sleep) by metaphasia. The Bodyguard by emmy_award. The …
Dumbledorebashing Stories - Wattpad
Harriet Lillian Potter suffered her whole life, she was manipulate and abused by people she trusted all her life. so to her, death was the only choice. but apparently e... Evelyn Potter was …
The finest purveyor of Harmony style Ron Bashing. - Reddit › comments
Ron/Molly bashing and GreaterGood!Dumbledore. Site: | Category: Harry Potter ...
Harmony Potter Granger | FanFiction › u › 3465572
A Wake Up Call by M.J.Harmony reviews War being what it is, the smallest of decisions can have the biggest consequences. Such a small change results in a corresponding change in Harry, and in his shock, he realises how things are, and what he is. Starts in the Department of Mysteries in fifth year. (Harmony, AU, Character Death)
Harmony/ Weasel bashing/ Dumbledork bashing galore! | FanFiction › community › Harmony-Weasel
The Harbingers are an elite fighting force loyal to the Ancient and Noble House of Potter. How will they respond to the betrayal of their Lord and Lady, and what lengths will they go to to protect their new Lord? Greedy!Manip!Dumbledore Some bashing!
Harmony/ Weasel bashing/ Dumbledork bashing galore! › community
Manipulative Dumbledore and some Ron bashing. Harry Potter, K+, English, Family & Romance, chapters: 5, words: 29k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: ...
Dumbledore And Or Weasley Bashing | FanFiction
It's time for Dumbledore to become his savior, who takes him away from his abusive relatives and introduces him to the Wizarding world. But there is one problem. Dumbledore's plan is …
Bashing Ron in Harmony | FanFiction › Bashing-Ron-in-Harmony › 124365
When Hermione gets cursed at the Ministry, Harry and the Death Eaters discover the power he knows not. Unleashing this power has far reaching consequences. Weasley and Dumbledore bashing – time travel story that's hopefully different.
Dumbledore And Or Weasley Bashing | FanFiction › community › Dumbledore-And-Or-W
It's time for Dumbledore to become his savior, who takes him away from his abusive relatives and introduces him to the Wizarding world. But there is one problem. Dumbledore's plan is falling apart, when it turns out that Harry doesn't need a savior. Powerful!Grey!Parselmouth!Harry, SERIOUS Evil!Dumbledore bashing
Harmony, Harry/Hermoine - some Weasley and …
Harmony, Harry/Hermoine - some ... Followers: 17 - id: 121411 Harry/Hermoine, H/Hr pairings- Some stories with bashing of Weasleys and Dumbledore/ Manipulative Dumbledore, soul …
Dumbledore/Weasley Bashing, Independent Harry | FanFiction
For all those who want a good story that bashes Dumbledore and/or The Weasleys, and has Harry taking the reigns ... Harry learns of the upcoming Triwizard Tournament from Mr. Lucius …
Dumbledore/Weasley Bashing, Independent Harry | FanFiction › community › Dumbledore-Weasley
For all those who want a good story that bashes Dumbledore and/or The Weasleys, and has Harry taking the reigns of his own life! They Shook Hands : Year 4 (New Version) by Dethryl reviews The last part of the revised series. After this, I move into Year Five with the revised cast.
Author: Harmony Potter Granger | FanFiction › Harmony...
In the summer before his 3rd year, Harry learns that James is still alive but Dumbledore got James and Sirius Black thrown in prison so he could send him to the ...
Love and Harmony - FanFiction › community
Strictly Harry and Hermione. Minor - well maybe major Ginny, Ron and Dumbledore Bashing. Soul Bond - Time Travel. Harry Potter, T, English, Romance, ...
Harmony, Harry/Hermoine - some Weasley and Dumbledore bashing ... › community › Harmony-Harry
Harry Potter was married to Ginny for 7 years in which they had three beautiful children. Lilly, James, and Albus. However as the years went by the two became bored of each other and stayed in their rut. It was only when Harry looked closer at Hermione that he realised what he was missing. Harry/Hermione (WEASLEY BASHING)
Harmony/ Weasel bashing/ Dumbledork bashing galore! | FanFiction
It's for the Best by witowsmp reviews. Total Dumbledore bashing. He's manipulating many people, including Harry, for his own purposes. Story starts a month after Harry has been told …
Harry is the man: All the Best of Bashing-fics - FanFiction › community
This includes (but is not limited to) Dumbledore, the Weasleys, ... Not all the stories will focus on Harry, but when they do, expect Harmony pairing.
Harmony Potter Granger | FanFiction
Harmony Potter Granger is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. ... But if he fails, both his body and soul shall die. An H/Hr story that bashes …
Looking for Harmony with bashing of Dumbles and …
Pretty much anything by RobSt. I think there's like one fic that isn't bashing Dumbledore, in that he is actually a supportive character due to realizing his way isn't going to work because …
Bashing Ron in Harmony | FanFiction › community
As Harry stands over the dead body of Voldemort he realizes something. Bad Dumbledore. One shot. Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 2, words: 12k+, favs: 3k+, ...
Dumbledore Bashing | FanFiction
FanFiction | unleash ... Unleashing this power has far reaching consequences. Weasley and Dumbledore bashing – time travel story that's hopefully different. Harry Potter - Rated: T - …
Harry and Hermione with bashings of Weaselys and/or Albus D. › community
Hermione Weasley wakes up sick, thinking she has the flu. But actually, twenty years' worth of potions all are wearing off. This is a post-Epilogue H/Hr story ...