HADIYA-hanke - Home - Facebook
www.facebook.com › pg › HADIYA-hanke-109142954134150About. See all. Elimäenkatu 25-27 00510 Helsinki, Finland. HANKE SOMALIN- JA ARABIANKIELISTEN NUORTEN PÄIHDE- JA PELIHAITTOJEN EHKÄISEMISEKSI. 257 people like this. 318 people follow this. https://ehyt.fi/ehyt-ry/toiminta-ja-hankkeet/lapsille-nuorille-ja-heidan-vanhemmilleen/hadiya-somalin-ja-arabiankielisille-nuorille/. +358 50 4630710.
Hadiya-hanke – SAMHA ry
samha.fi › en › hadiya-projectOct 01, 2020 · Hadiya-hanke Hadiya project Ehkäisevä päihdetyö EHYT ry launched a Helpline in Arabic and Somali. This telephone service is for anyone with problems related to substance abuse and gambling. Lines are open on Thursdays from 2pm to 6pm. (Free of charge for the caller) Phone numbers are Arabic language service tel. 0800 955 20
Hadiya Zone - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Hadiya_ZoneHadiya is a zone in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia. This zone is named after the Hadiya of the Hadiya Kingdom, whose homeland covers part of the administrative division. Hadiya is bordered on the south by Kembata Tembaro, on the southwest by the Dawro Zone, on the west by the Omo River which separates it from Oromia Region and the Yem Special Woreda, on the north by Gurage, on the northeast by Silte, and on the east by the Alaba special woreda; the woredas o
Hadiya people - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Hadiya_peopleHadiya, also spelled as Hadiyya, is an ethnic group native to Ethiopia in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region who speak the Hadiyya language. According to a popular etymology, the name 'Hadiya," sometimes written in the versions Hadya, Hadea, Hadija, Hadiyo, Hadiyeh, Adea, Adia, means "gift of god" A historical definition of the Hadiya people based on the old Hadiya Sultanate included a number of Ethiopian ethnic groups currently known by other names. Currently, this historic ent