Hörö 2850 AA - Sukuposti
http://www.sukuposti.net › hevoset › horoHörö. Rotu, Suomenhevonen, Sukupuoli, ori, Reknro, 2850 AA. Syntynyt, 1925 (kuollut 12.4.1948, sydänhalvaus), Maa, Suomi, Emälinja, Kirppa 144-LV.
hörö - Wiktionary
en.wiktionary.org › wiki › höröhörö - Wiktionary hörö Contents 1 Nias 1.1 Pronunciation 1.2 Noun 1.3 References Nias [ edit] Pronunciation [ edit] IPA ( key): /ˈhɤrɤ/ Noun [ edit] hörö ( mutated form hörö ) eye References [ edit] Sundermann, Heinrich. 1905. Niassisch-deutsches Wörterbuch. Moers: Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, p. 103.
Nias people - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Nias_peopleNias people are an ethnic group native to Nias, an island off the west coast of North Sumatra, Indonesia. In the Nias language, the Nias people are known as Ono Niha, which literally means 'descendants of human'. Nias island is known as Tanö Niha, with Tanö meaning 'land' in the Nias language. The Nias people are a community that continues living within the norms and practices of their indigenous culture. Customary law of the Nias people is generally referred to as fondrakö, which ...
Nias Art — Art of The Ancestors | Island Southeast Asia ...
www.artoftheancestors.com › niasNias masterworks are situated in museum collections in prestigious locations including Museum Nasional Indonesia, Museum Pusaka Nias, Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen, The British Museum, Musée du Quai-Branly, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Weltmuseum Wien, Yale University Art Gallery, The Dallas Museum of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and de Young Museum.