härö – Wikisanakirja
fi.wiktionary.org › wiki › häröhärö (komparatiivi härömpi, superlatiivi häröin) (taivutus ) (slangia) kummallinen, outo, tavallisesta poikkeava; Liittyvät sanat . häröillä; Aiheesta muualla . härö Kielitoimiston sanakirjassa; Substantiivi . härö. jokin häröjen (Cucujidae) heimoon kuuluvista kuoriaislajeista tai sellaisen yksilö
My Sailor, My Love (2022) - IMDb
www.imdb.com › title › tt5851696Sep 30, 2022 · My Sailor, My Love: Directed by Klaus Härö. With James Cosmo, Brid Brennan, Catherine Walker, Nora-Jane Noone. A retired sea captain and his daughter must reassess their strained relationship after he begins a new romance with a widowed housekeeper.
The Fencer - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_FencerIt was directed by Klaus Härö and written by Anna Heinämaa. Filming began in Estonia in late February 2014. The film was selected as the Finnish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy Awards , [4] [5] making the December shortlist of nine films, but it was not nominated.
Klaus Härö - IMDb
www.imdb.com › name › nm0405605Altogether Härö's films have won more than 60 prizes at festivals all over the world including The Crystal Bear at the Berlin Film Festival and the prestigious Ingmar Bergman prize, the winner of which was chosen by Ingmar Bergman himself. More at IMDbPro. Contact info. Agent info. Resume.
Klaus Härö - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Klaus_HäröKlaus Härö (born 31 March 1971 in Porvoo, Finland) is a Finnish film director. In 2004, he won Finland's State Prize for Art. Härö grew up in a Swedish-speaking Finnish family. He studied directing and attended screen writing seminars at the University of Industrial Arts in Helsinki.
Klaus Härö – Wikipedia
fi.wikipedia.org › wiki › Klaus_HäröHärö on taustaltaan suomenruotsalainen. Teini-ikäisenä hän harrasti elokuvia ja tutustui Ingmar Bergmanin ja Martin Scorsesen tuotantoon. Murrosikäisenä hänen elämäänsä liittyivät oleellisesti Raamatun tutkiminen ja uskonnollisten asioiden pohdinta.