House of Grimaldi - Wikipedia › wiki › House_of_GrimaldiAs was customary in Genoa, the Grimaldis organised their family ties within a corporation called albergo. In the political reform of 1528, the Grimaldi became one of the 28 alberghi of the Republic of Genoa, which included the Doria and Pallavicini families, and to which other families were formally invited to join.
Grimaldi – Wikipedia Familie Grimaldi ist ein weitverzweigtes Adelsgeschlecht, das ursprünglich aus Genua stammt und bis heute existiert. Der bekannteste Zweig eroberte 1297 die Festung Monaco. Die bis heute im Fürstentum Monaco regierende Linie führte den Namen trotz zweifacher weiblicher Erbfolge weiter.
House of Grimaldi - Wikipedia Grimaldis descend from Grimaldo, a Genoese consul who lived during the time of the early Crusades. He may have been a son of Otto Canella, an earlier consul of the Republic of Genoa. His numerous descendants led maritime expeditions throughout the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and the North Sea. They … See more