A1-A2 grammar | LearnEnglish
learnenglish.britishcouncil.org › grammar › a1-a2In this section you can improve your grammar with our clear and simple grammar lessons. Start with an exercise to test your understanding. Then, read the explanation to improve your grammar knowledge. Finally, test your understanding again to see if you have improved. Choose a grammar point and start improving your grammar today. Good luck!
ESL A2 Pre-Intermediate Lesson Plans | Grammar, Vocabulary
english4tutors.com › esl-lesson-plans › a2-preThis requires a certain knowledge of grammar. In our pre-intermediate lesson plans your students will find grammar units teaching: Present Simple and Continuous, Past Simple and Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, future time expressions, 1st and 2nd conditionals, adjective and adverb comparisons, modal verbs, subject and object pronouns,