Gradia-ravintolat | Gradia › palvelut › ravintolat-ja-ruokaGradia-ravintoloiden ruokalista. Viikoittaiseen ruokalistaan pääset suoraan tästä! Palvelusta löytyy muutakin tietoa, esimerkiksi ainesosat ja ravintoarvot. Gradia-ravintoloihin kuuluvat ravintolat. Hoivakka (Kukkulan kampus, Keskussairaalantie 21, Jyväskylä) Lounas ma –pe klo 10.30–12.30, puh. 040 341 6141
GC America | GRADIA® - Indirect Restoration System › lab › productsGRADIA is an indirect restoration system for crown and bridge, inlays, onlays and veneers. This product is an advanced 'MFR composite'. This product is an advanced 'MFR composite'. Its internal structure consists of reinforced bonds between an organic/inorganic filler and a lightly-filled matrix resin which together impart a very high mechanical strength while being 'gentle' on opposing teeth.
Gradia Health
www.gradia.comGradia will replace existing patient engagement/education solutions like informational pamphlets with a higher quality alternative: personalized content pages. By providing patients with information curated just for them, we improve both satisfaction and outcomes.