If you do self-prescribe, you must be prepared to justify or explain your decision. The GMC guidance states you must also: make a clear record at the time or as ...
May 28, 2021 · The General Medical Council (GMC) have updated their guidance, Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices. 1 The guidance is useful for routine general practice, and also contains some sections on remote prescribing that are of particular relevance in the COVID-19 pandemic. 1 The term ‘prescribing’ not only refers to …
You can find the latest version of this guidance on our website at www.gmc-uk.org/guidance. 1 General Medical Council (2013) Good medical practice London, ...
Today, 5 April 2021, updated guidance on good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices, published by the General Medical Council (GMC) comes into force. The guidance supports doctors to be able to prescribe safely for their patients, regardless of the setting.
VerkkoSelf-prescribing can lead to serious consequences. Read the guidance on prescribing for yourself or for anyone thee have an close personal relate with. Self-prescribing - …
VerkkoThe GMC's new prescribing guidance, Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices, came into effect from early April '21. One of the positive developments to have arisen from the …
About this guidance 1-7; Keeping up to date and prescribing safely 8-19; Deciding if it is safe to prescribe 20-58. Does the mode of consultation meet the …
Apr 5, 2021 · You are responsible for the prescriptions that you sign. You must only prescribe drugs when you have adequate knowledge of your patient's health. And you must be satisfied that the drugs serve your patient's need. Following this guidance will help make sure that you practise safe prescribing.
GMC has published updated guidance on prescribing which includes updates regarding remote consulting and prescribing. There is specific guidance that: Doctors ...
VerkkoToday, 5 April 2021, updated guidance on good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices, published by the General Medical Council (GMC) comes into …
Feb 23, 2021 · The guidance supports doctors to be able to prescribe safely for their patients, whatever the setting. It sets out the GMC standards for good practice when prescribing face to-face or remotely, when prescribing unlicensed medicines and for when patient care is shared with another doctor.
This guidance will help make sure that you practise safe prescribing. It reminds you that where possible you must avoid prescribing for yourself or those close to you. And goes through what …
May 20, 2021 · The GMC's new guidance on prescribing places greater emphasis on remote prescribing and the importance of patient consent. Watch this webinar to learn more about the new guidance and how this impacts day-to-day practice. Q&A with our panel of medico-legal advisers. This page was correct at publication on 20/05/2021.
Apr 5, 2021 · This guidance gives more detailed advice on how to comply with these principles when prescribing and managing medicines and medical devices. The guidance applies to all prescribing in whatever setting your interaction takes place, including remote consultations.