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give sb an advantage over

give sb an edge over/on sb/sth
give sb an edge (over/on sb/sth) to give someone an advantage in a particular situation: »A consortium of private equity investors gave the group the edge in the competition to acquire …
give sb an edge over/on sb/sth › 31927 › give_sb
give sb an edge (over/on sb/sth) to give someone an advantage in a particular situation: »A consortium of private equity investors gave the group the edge in the competition to acquire MGM.
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SOMETHING - Cambridge Dictionary › tak...
We are taking advantage of the strong euro and are going to visit the US. I'd encourage all staff to take advantage of the training opportunities we offer. Why ...
to give sb an advantage over sb - Translation into German ... › translation › english-german
Translations in context of "to give sb an advantage over sb" in English-German from Reverso Context:
The advantage over - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
A favorable or superior position when compared to someone or something else. The other team has so many injuries right now that I think we have the advantage over them. You have an …
Take advantage of Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › t...
It adds that young people in care homes, with learning disabilities, those excluded from school or using drugs or alcohol are particularly vulnerable to ...
to give sb an advantage over sb translation in English ... › french-english › to+give+sb
Merci de votre participation aux neuf événements de jeu Play to Give. Thank You for Participating in the Nine Play to Give in-Game Events. See how “to give sb an advantage over ” is translated from French to English with more examples in context.
Give someone the advantage over - Idioms by The Free Dictionary › give+someone+the
give (one) an/the advantage over (someone or something) To cause one to be in a favorable or superior position when compared to someone or something else. The team's numerous injuries could give their opponents the advantage over them. I don't want to do anything that might give Sarah an advantage over me. See also: advantage, an, give, over
to give sb an advantage over sb | Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch | Übersetzungen für 'to give sb an advantage over sb' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch, mit echten Sprachaufnahmen, Illustrationen, Beugungsformen, ...
give sb an edge over sth
give sb an edge over sb/sth — give sb an edge (over/on sb/sth) to give someone an advantage in a particular situation: »A consortium of private equity investors gave the group the edge in the …
advantage - Longman Dictionary › advant...
advantage meaning, definition, what is advantage: something that helps you to ... tried to get an advantage.give somebody an advantageHis height gives him a ...
What is another word for "give an advantage to"?
Need synonyms for give an advantage to? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Verb. To make attractive or advisable. recommend. render appealing. …
Offer an advantage definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary › o...
Offer an advantage definition: An advantage is something that puts you in a better position than other people. [...] | Meaning, pronunciation, translations ...
To give someone an unfair advantage - Macmillan Dictionary › ...
Synonyms. favour. verb. to help someone and give them an advantage in an unfair way. gift. verb.
Give an advantage over - Idioms by The Free Dictionary › ...
To cause one to be in a favorable or superior position when compared to someone or something else. The team's numerous injuries could give their opponents ...
give sb an advantage是什么意思_百度知道
18.11.2016 · 给某人一个好处. 抢首赞. 评论. 分享. 举报. 3条折叠回答. 2015-01-27 give sb an advantage是什么意思 1. 2016-12-27 give sb an edge over是什么意思 2. 2008-06-04 vantage …
to give sb an advantage over sb - English definition, grammar ... give sb an advantage over sb
to give sb a warm welcome to give sb a warning to give sb a wink to give sb advance warning to give sb an advantage over sb to give sb an appetite to give sb an audition to give sb an …
Give an advantage over something - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
give (one) an/the advantage over (someone or something) To cause one to be in a favorable or superior position when compared to someone or something else. The team's numerous injuries …
Give an advantage over - Idioms by The Free Dictionary › give+an+advantage+over
give (one) an/the advantage over (someone or something) To cause one to be in a favorable or superior position when compared to someone or something else. The team's numerous injuries could give their opponents the advantage over them. I don't want to do anything that might give Sarah an advantage over me. See also: advantage, an, give, over
Give an advantage over - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
give (one) an/the advantage over (someone or something) To cause one to be in a favorable or superior position when compared to someone or something else. The team's numerous injuries …
to give sb an advantage over sb - English definition, grammar ... › en › en
to give sb a warm welcome to give sb a warning to give sb a wink to give sb advance warning to give sb an advantage over sb to give sb an appetite to give sb an audition to give sb an estimate to give sb an idea to give sb an injection to give sb an ultimatum to give sb as a reference to give sb away to give sb back sth
advantage - Dictionary of English › definition › advantage
to impose upon, esp. unfairly, as by exploiting a weakness:You took unfair advantage of our friendship. Idioms to advantage, in ...
to give sb an advantage over sb translation in English | French …
to give sb an advantage over sb translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'givre',grive',GIE',glaive', examples, definition, conjugation