cart query | Adobe Commerce Developer Guide - Magento › graphql › queries(If a cart price rule does not have a label, Magento returns a default label of Discount.) A custom rule in which the customer saves 10% on the order by applying a discount code is also in effect. The 3T1free rule is applied first, and Magento returns the price of a single shirt, $29, as the discount. Magento then applies a 10% discount to the remaining total of the products in the cart.
Magento 2: Get details of shopping cart all items, subtotal ... › get-shopping-cart-allAug 23, 2018 · Magento 2: Get details of shopping cart all items, subtotal, grand total, billing and shipping address. We can fetch details of all shopping cart items, subtotal and billing/shipping address from the current session. Create Block file, ShoppingCart.php. <?php namespace Rbj\Customer\Block; class ShoppingCart extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template { public function __construct ( \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context $context, \Magento\Checkout\Model\Session ...