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german states by population

States of the German Empire - Wikipedia
The German Empire consisted of 25 constituent states and an Imperial Territory, the largest of which was Prussia. These states, or Staaten each had votes in the Bundesrat, which gave them representation at a federal level. Several of these …
About: List of German states by population - DBpedia › page › List_of_...
This is a list of German states by population according to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Property, Value. dbo:abstract.
List of cities in Germany by population - Wikipedia…
80 riviä · As defined by the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, a Großstadt is a city with more than 100,000 inhabitants. As of December 31, 2015, 79 cities in Germany fulfill this …
Population in Germany by federal state 2021 - Statista › statistics › p...
Population in Germany as of December 2021, by federal state (in 1,000s) ; Saxony, 4,043 ; Berlin, 3,677 ; Schleswig-Holstein, 2,922 ; Brandenburg, 2,538.
Demographics of Germany - Wikipedia
In 2019 19.036 million people or 89,6% of people with an immigrant background live in Western Germany (excluding Berlin), being 28,7% of its population, while 1.016 million people with immigrant background 4,8% live in Eastern States, …
Population by nationaly and federal states - German Federal …
31.12.2021 · Population as of 31.12.2021 by nationaly and federal states; Land Total Germans Foreigners including EU-states; number % number % Source: Results based on the 2011 …
German States 2022 - World Population Review › ...
Two additional German states have populations of at least 10 million: Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg. The smallest state by population is Bremen, which has a ...
German States - Study in Germany for Free › ...
Baden-Wurttemberg. Size: 35,751 square kilometers; Capital: Stuttgart; Population: 11 million residents. The state of Baden-Wurttemberg is located in the ...
German States Map, Population, and Country Facts - Mappr › political-maps
Germany is made up of 16 states known as Länder in German. Of these 16 German states, three are considered city-states (Stadtstaaten): Berlin, Hamburg, ...
States of Germany - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
German name Capital Population Area (km²) Part of FRG Baden-Württemberg: Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart: 10,880,000 35,751 1952 Bavaria: Bayern …
Population in Germany by federal state 2021 | Statista…
24.6.2022 · 1,854. Population in thousands North Rhine-Westphalia Bavaria Baden-Württemberg Lower Saxony Hesse Rhineland-Palatinate Saxony Berlin Schleswig-Holstein Brandenburg Saxony-Anhalt Thuringia ...
List of districts of Germany - Wikipedia
404 riviä · Bremen (state) Bremerhaven: Urban: Bremen (state) Burgenlandkreis: Rural Saxony-Anhalt: Naumburg: Calw: Rural Baden-Württemberg: Calw: Celle: Rural Lower Saxony: Celle: …
States of Germany - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ... › wiki › States_of_Germany
States of Germany (in German) The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) has 16 states ( German: Bundesländer singular: Bundesland ). The biggest is Bavaria and the smallest is Bremen. Most of them were created after the Second World War, although their historical roots can be traced back to the early Middle Ages in some cases.
Population in Germany by federal state 2021 | Statista › statistics › 1127686
Jun 24, 2022 · German population as of 2021, by federal state Published by Statista Research Department , Nov 10, 2022 The most populated federal state in Germany is North Rhine-Westphalia in the...
States of Germany - Wikipedia › wiki › States_of_Germany
initially, the states of the federal republic were baden (until 1952), bavaria (in german: bayern ), bremen, hamburg, hesse ( hessen ), lower saxony ( niedersachsen ), north rhine-westphalia ( nordrhein-westfalen ), rhineland-palatinate ( rheinland-pfalz ), schleswig-holstein, württemberg-baden (until 1952), and württemberg-hohenzollern (until …
List of cities in Germany by population - Wikipedia › wiki › List_of_cities_in_Germany
The city population density as of December 31, 2015 (residents per unit of land area) [3] The city latitude and longitude coordinates. Schwerin is the only state capital not listed. Gallery [ edit] 1. Berlin 2. Hamburg 3. Munich 4. Cologne 5. Frankfurt 6. Stuttgart 7. Düsseldorf 8. Dortmund 9. Essen 10. Leipzig 11. Bremen 12. Dresden 13. Hanover
Germany : States and Major Cities - City Population
194 riviä · Population Estimate (E) 2021-12-31; 1: Berlin: BE: 3,677,472: 2: Hamburg: HH: …
German States 2022 - World Populace
25.4.2022 · Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg are the other two German states with at least 10 million populations. Bremen is the smallest state in terms of population, with just 671,000 …
States of Germany - Wikipedia › wiki › State...
The Federal Republic of Germany, as a federal state, consists of sixteen partly sovereign ... Location, Germany. Number, 16. Populations, 682,986 (Bremen) –
States of Germany - Wikipedia
Federalism has a long tradition in German history. The Holy Roman Empire comprised many petty states, numbering more than 300 in around 1796. The number of territories was greatly reduced during the Napoleonic Wars (1796–1814). After the Congress of Vienna (1815), 39 states formed the German Confederation. The Confederation was dissolved after the Austro-Prussian War in which Prussia defeated Austria and forced Austria to remove itself from the affairs of the Germa…
German States 2022 › german-states
By population, the largest state is North Rhine-Westphalia, which has a total population of over 17 million. Two additional German states have populations of at least 10 million: Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg. The smallest state by population is Bremen, which has a population of just 671,000 people.