List of strong & irregular German verbs - Vistawide › grammarList of strong & irregular German verbs ; binden, -, band, hat gebunden, to bind, tie ; bitten, -, bat, hat gebeten, to ask, request ; blasen, bläst, blies, hat ...
German Past Tense of Verbs - › german-past-tenseGerman Past Tense. In English, this tense corresponds to I did, you saw, he cried, etc. and is used less often in spoken German than the present perfect tense. It is used more often in writing to tell a sequence of past events. Nevertheless, even in conversational German, sein, haben, werden, wissen and the modal verbs are preferred in the simple past tense than in the present perfect tense.
German Irregular Past Participles with Haben - › german-irre...German Sein Verbs and Past Participles ; erscheinen, appear, erschienen ; ertrinken, drown, ertrunken ; fahren, drive, go, travel, gefahren ; fallen, fall, gefallen.