Use Georgia Gateway | › georgia-gatewayWhen you create an account, you can apply for or renew benefits, upload documents, and report changes to your case. Georgia Gateway is offered in multiple languages. There is no cost to apply for benefits through Georgia Gateway. If you have trouble while using Georgia Gateway, please call the Online Services hotline at 1-877-423-4746.
Georgia Gateway - Homepage Screen you have trouble while using Georgia Gateway, please call the Online Services hotline at 1-877-423-4746. If you have a hearing impairment, call GA Relay at 1-800-255-0135. The services are free.
georgia.govThe .gov means it’s official. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use “” or “” at the end of the address. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure you’re on an official state website.
Georgia Department of Human Services
dhs.georgia.govSep 22, 2022 · Atlanta, GA – The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) is urging customers to be on high alert for phishing schemes through their personal emails and third-party accounts as bad actors attempt to exploit the Cash Assistance Program to steal personally identifiable information with illegitimate emails, text messages, social media posts, and unexpected phone calls, among other things.