Split Second (game show) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Split_Second_(game_show)Split Second is a game show that was created by Monty Hall and Stefan Hatos and produced by their production company, Stefan Hatos-Monty Hall Productions. There were two editions of Split Second produced by Hatos and Hall. The first was a daytime series produced for ABC that premiered on March 20, 1972, and ran until June 27, 1975, and was recorded at ABC Television Center in Hollywood. Tom Kennedy was the host for the original ABC version, with Jack Clark serving as announcer. The second versio
Room Key | DOORS Wiki | Fandom
doors-game.fandom.com › wiki › Room_KeyThe Electrical Room Key is an alternative version of the Room Key, behaving the same way as its variant, but is only used to unlock the Electrical Room on Room 100. The key is also silver-colored. Usage. To use a Room Key, the player must equip the Key and hold "E" (on Xbox) when near the locked door. After some time, the lock will fall off, and the door will open.
Seven Keys (game show) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Keys_(game_show)Seven Keys was an American game show hosted by Jack Narz and based on Snakes and Ladders. Seven Keys aired from September 12, 1960, to January 15, 1965; initially on Los Angeles' KTLA and then on ABC before ending on KTLA. The first KTLA series was one of the few non-syndicated television game shows to air daily in nighttime. The ABC version aired in daytime.