Future tense - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_tenseBiblical Hebrew has a distinction between past and future tenses which is similar in form to those used in other Semitic languages such as Arabic and Aramaic. Gesenius refers to the past and future verb forms as Perfect and Imperfect, respectively, separating completed action from uncompleted action. However, the usage of verbs in these forms does not always have the same temporal meaning as in Indo-European languages, mainly due to the common use of a construct of invertin…
Future Tense: What Is It & How To Use It | Thesaurus.com
www.thesaurus.com › e › grammarMay 27, 2021 · Some of the reasons we use future tense verbs include: State that an action/state will begin and end in the future Express a belief that something will happen in the future Say that an event will definitely happen in the future Ask questions about the future State that an action/state will continue for a length of time in the future