Fusion Coil - NL-Tec
www.nl-tec.com.au › product › fusion-coilThe FusionCoil Marker images equally as well in CT as it does in MR. It consists of an open spiral gold coil with a biocompatible segmented flexible metallic core that appears as a clear black dot in MR. This is the first of its kind providing a superior reference for image fusion as well as precise IGRT Enquire about this product
FusionCoil™ Fiducial Markers
civcort.com › ro › fiducial-markersThe FusionCoil Marker images equally as well in CT as it does in MR. It consists of an open spiral gold coil with a special biocompatible alloy core that appears as a solid black dot in MRI. This is the first of its kind providing superior reference for image fusion as well as precise IGRT. FusionCoil Cartridge Kits are available.
Fusion coil - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
www.halopedia.org › Fusion_CoilIn Halo 3, the fusion coil has been graphically redesigned. The actual plasma coil appears to be an amber, darkly-glowing, cylindrical object within a metallic-gray colored frame. When slightly damaged, the internal coil glows a warning red; when heavily damaged, it glows bright white. Stickers on the frame warn of radioactivity and high voltage.