Solved: Trouble Making a threaded cap - Autodesk Community
I'm a hobbyist and trying to learn Fusion 360 to make useful 3D printed things for myself & family. I do share them with others but I don't sell them commercially. I'm trying to design a threaded cover for a small 35 X 50 mm cylindrical container. I have the body of the container printing perfectly with M25-2 threads where I need them for the top 10 millimeters of the internal cavity.
How to model custom threads in Fusion 360 - Autodesk › support › fusion-360A custom thread needs to be modeled in Fusion 360. To create a custom thread: Use the Coil command to create threads manually: Draw a coil with the desired settings, height and pitch for example Draw the thread profile. Use a coil as a guide to apply the custom profile and sweep it along the 3D geometry. NOTE: In some cases, the "Path + Guide Surface" option will need to be used within the ...