25.4.2020 · In this quick video tutorial we will look at how to cut a hole in an object using the extrude and cut tools.For more tutorials go towww.fusion360tutorials.co...
You can use a component to cut a section from another component in two ways. Extrude a sketch profile from one component to cut through the second component. Boolean cut an interfering volume of one component from another. Extrude a sketch profile On one component, create a sketch to use for the cut. Project the edges you want to extrude. Click Stop Sketch. Choose …
12.8.2019 · When you trigger the hole recognition command, Fusion 360 analyzes the CAD model and identifies any cylindrical/conical holes. Once the analysis is complete, a new menu displays to offer additional control of the drilling process. New Hole Recognition menu This menu displays a list of the identified holes in the “Hole Groups” tab.
15.10.2015 · This process is greatly streamlined using Fusion 360. Using the hole command, a hole can be placed directly on the face of the cylinder with no additional work planes or sketches required. Fusion 360 selects the quadrant of the cylinder that is closest to where your mouse is at the time of clicking on the face.
18.1.2020 · In today’s video, I wanted to talk about some ways that we can remove material, cut holes, and make various kinds of adjustments to shapes to make them look certain ways inside of Fusion 360 using the cut operation. To do this, you need to understand the way that most tools work inside of Fusion 360.
18.1.2020 · One of the things you’ll be doing a lot of when working inside of Fusion 360 is cutting holes in objects. You’ll do this for a variety of reasons, including creating fasteners, openings, and more. Now you could just draw a sketch circle then extrude it …
4.4.2017 · The Fusion 360 extrude tool can be used 100 different ways. If you are using it to just extrude a box, well you are missing out. In this quick tip, we are going to cover different start conditions, extent options, and bodies to cut.
As a Fusion 360 newbie it's good to see your first 3D design being used in the real world and functioning as it was intended. It's an internal connector for laser cut panels to assemble a Rhombicuboctahedron, a 26 sided polyhedron. Hopefully any subsequent connectors will be created much faster. 1/3 60 5 comments share save hide report 56
24.7.2017 · I'm trying to condition myself away from 123d Design which I was getting pretty good at to Fusion 360 for obvious reasons. I'm really just experimenting right now, not building anything in particular. I was able to quickly learn how to cut a circular hole into an object. But now I …