Helix Spline Sketcher | Fusion 360 | Autodesk App Store
apps.autodesk.com › FUSION › enNov 22, 2016 · Description. This add-in is created to help you with the helix spline creation. Using this add-in you can create the helix by Pitch or by Angle. This add-in will be really helpful to those who work on helical shapes or custom springs shapes. This add-in also can help you with the helical sweeps as you need to have helical path for the sweep.
Helical Path : Fusion360
www.reddit.com › r › Fusion360One of the models involved a custom thread profile involving specific geometries not included in the standard thread profile library. In solidworks, I was easily able to create a helical path, define my thread profile, and cut along the helical path. I am wondering if anyone knows of a way to create helical paths in Fusion 360.