Frühlingsfest - Spring Festivalühlingsfest Munich. As the name Frühlingsfest (Spring Festival) implies, this Munich festival takes place in spring. During two weeks at the end of April and beginning of May the Theresienwiese is a place full of fun and adventure. It is often said to be the little sister of the Oktoberfest. Come with me onto a tour around the festival ...
Hippodrom - Das Festzelt am Frühlingsfest München
https://www.hippodrom.deDas Hippodrom auf dem Münchner Frühlingsfest 2022. Am Frühlingsfest geht’s bei uns immer heiß her – nicht nur am Hendlgrill. Egal ob bei Sonnenschein oder Regenwetter – wir heizen euch mit echter Oktoberfeststimmung ein! Vom röschen Bauernhendl über saftige Steaks aus der hauseigener Wagyu Rinder Zucht, bis hin zum vegetarischen ...
Munich Frühlingsfest 2022 › fruehlingsfest-munichThe Frühlingsfest Munich (spring fair) takes place from 22 April – 8 May 2022. The popular folk festival Frühlingsfest Munich on the Theresienwiese offers fun and games for the whole family. Whether you’re visiting the beer marquee or one of the numerous rides – two weeks of festival fun are assured.
Spring Fest Munich Fruehlingsfest, lovingly called “Octoberfest’s little sister”, is leading off the funfairs in Munich. The enjoyment for the whole family runs two weeks and will fill Munich’s Theresienwiese with fairground rides, beer tents and live music. The Munich Spring Festival started in 1965 and many of the vendors are still represented.